Tajik Association for Promotion of Tourism Development (TATO) expresses its gratitude for the tremendous support for projects in Central Asia.
TATO Association together with its partner Heraklion Development Agency within the framework of the project “MOST – A model for sustainable tourism in Central Asia: Building Capacities, Creating Awareness, Introducing Technology” is holding the first round table discussion on “Sustainable tourism and the GSTC’s roles in the global or / and local tourism Industry” with the involvement of stakeholders.
Date; 15.12.2020
Time; 12:00 – 15:00 (+5 GMT).
Place; Grand Hall of the Atlas**** Hotel, Dushanbe city.
Please find here attached a preview of the Round Table Programme and a presentation by F.N. Faizullayev, the Chairman of TATO.
The presentation by F.N. Faizullayev is aimed at the local audience and aims at introducing the local authorities to the MOST project and the tasks realised within the project. Moreover, there will be present via ZOOM link several EU and National invited persons – representatives of Authorities and Contracting Authority too. Hereby the list of ZOOM participants too.
Further information and photos will follow.
MOST project
Disclaimer: ‘This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union, under SWITCH-Asia Programme.
Its contents are the sole responsibility of Heraklion Development Agency and MOST project partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union’.